Tuesday, August 19, 2008

To my shame, I did not type out all the wonderful things that have happened this year. So these are couple of recaps of my involvement with the kids who came to the ALC this year.

About 8000 kids came through as part of their school field trip. Each heard the gospel. Only the Lord knows how many that were saved since in the Bahamian culture its normal for a child to raise his/her hand each time it was offered. Its a "Christian nation".

Most of the children I was able to reach were the ones who "challenged my patience" the most :)

With the school field trips, we only have 5 hours a year with a child. Taking driving them to our facility to teach basics in their schooling (animals, plants, planets, dinosaurs, etc) as a means to share the gospel. Those who misbehave seem to be the ones I talk with the most. Its amazing that many of those kids seem to respond back to me with love, sometimes holding my hand or hug me. We all agree that its not because they think we are easier on them but its the love of God that they see in us. One kid during summer camp proved this true.

Our Summer Camp last for 6 weeks. That's 60-80 kids who come each day for one, two, or all 6 weeks - I love having them for more than a day, you really get to build into them. In one class, a boy ask me why I didn't get angry like everyone else (= Bahamian teachers and parents spank, insult, and shout at the kids as a normal discipline for bad behavior). I told him because we love Jesus, he didn't understand and kept asking me throughout the day until he did. He made me think about it. Why do we keep our cool?

Its because of the love of God that did that same thing for you and me though we both failed and will fail to obey Him each day. He will never lose His patience with us so that He would hit, demean us with words, or even withhold His love from us. That is love!

Romans 5:8+10 were the verses that the Lord put on my heart to share with him. "But God demonstrates His own love towards us in this: while we were yet sinners Christ died for us...while we were still His enemies.." With that, I was able to share the gospel with this boy.

God has been good to me also by having great patience with me this year. He has been so good to us all!

I'll keep posting stories so please keep checking for updates. Thank you all for praying!

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