Saturday, April 19, 2008

Just last night, our church's Youth Group where I'm a leader, had a lockin. From 7pm until 7am this morning we've been running around with around 50 teens. We did everything from lazer tag to movies. The women leaders played a version of basketball...I think we won. I know that we all cheated - it was more of a football game than basketball ;)

The weather has been chilly, aka 60s at night and 70s during the day. But I hear back home in NY its over 80 degrees! That's crazy! Its colder here than in snowy Speculator!

Over all, things are going well. Life goes on simply now. When I say simply, it doesn't mean without problems but steadfastly continuing on.

Many kids have come through the Centre. We hope to reach 9,000 kids at the end of this school year. That's a lot of kids who heard the gospel and a lot of prayer is needed to help those who did receive Christ to grow (hint, hint).

At one point this year, we were being robbed each week but that has stopped for a while. Totally the Lord! And I know that I mentioned how our vehicles seemed to be having problems (flat tires, etc) but even that has not stopped the work going on here. It seems as if the Lord is moving us forward steadily and not our own might because despite these things, everyone and thing moves steadfastly without stopping.

The most impacting verse on my lately is Isaiah 26:3 "The steadfast in mind You will keep in perfect peace because he trusts in You." And God never fails to keep His promises!

May that encourage you as it has me.

1 comment:

mommy to six J's said...

That sounds like a fun time. During springg break our youth group along with several other youth groups wedid a 30 hour fammine. That was a huge blessing just to be involved in the childrens lifes that praticipated. I wil be praying for the children oping that the seed was planted and will produce fruit. char